Soda ash, known chemically as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), has been in use for thousands of years. Soda ash occurs in many kinds of mineral waters and in mineral deposits of certain springs and lake brines. The richest and most commonly found source of soda ash is trona, a mix of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and water. Although trona can be found in many places, the world’s purest, largest, and most accessible deposit is in Wyoming’s Green River Basin.
Unlike the synthetic Solvay and Hou processes, our’s uses an all-natural mining system. Our soda ash is mined from the ground and refined with no additional chemicals. Our supplier’s method is environmentally friendly and produces a pure, high-quality product. All-natural approach keeps costs low, allowing us to distribute all over the world in a cost-effective and competitive manner.
NOTE : Any of above statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA).This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. We strongly advise you to have a test batch before use.
Half Pallet = 18 x 5Gal
Full Pallet = 36 x 5Gal
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